Mittwoch, 09.10.2024

Trainer King verlässt MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg in der Basketball-Bundesliga


Alexander Meier
Alexander Meier
Alexander Meier ist ein erfahrener Journalist, der sich auf Wirtschafts- und Finanzthemen spezialisiert hat und mit präzisen Analysen überzeugt.

Ludwigsburg’s playoff journey ends in the quarterfinals, and the search is on for a new coach for the upcoming season. The departure of Coach Josh King from MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg marks a significant change for the basketball team as they look towards the future.

After Ludwigsburg’s playoff journey came to an end in the quarterfinal, the management of MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg has initiated the search for a new coach to lead the team in the next season. Coach Josh King, whose contract was not renewed, will be pursuing opportunities outside Germany in Europe. It is expected that King will be introduced by his new club within the next two weeks.

Reflecting on his time in Ludwigsburg, Coach Josh King expressed his gratitude towards the team and the fans. His departure signifies a transition period for MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg, with the aim to start afresh under the guidance of a new coach in the upcoming season.


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